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ഔട്ടർ ഹെബ്രൈഡുകളിൽ നിർമ്മിച്ചത്...




This Sheepskin has rich brown roots fading to golden tips. We want to utilise every part of the sheep we possibly can. So many skins in the UK go to waste when the meat is eaten as the skins take so much time to prepare prior to getting tanned. We aim to help use this resource and ensure nothing is wasted!

99cm x 72cm approx

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©2019 created by Western Isles Designs

കാണുക:     22a ക്രോസ്ബോസ്റ്റ്


             ഐൽ ഓഫ് ലൂയിസ്

             HS2 9NP

വിളിക്കുക: 07833335186


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